The Danger Of Eating In Front Of The Television

In many households the television is in the dining room where the evening meal is consumed. Learn more about the dangers of eating in front of the TV in this article.
The danger of eating in front of the television

In many households, the television is in the dining room, in front of the table where the family eats the evening meal. It is also very normal for adults to eat their lunch in front of the computer. This way they will ‘waste no time’ and be able to continue working. These two habits that have become so entrenched in society today have very bad consequences. Learn more about the dangers of eating in front of the TV in this article.

Harmful effects of eating in front of the television in children

This normal habit in many families mainly affects children. According to a recent study conducted in the United States, it causes obesity.

These young children are more likely to eat fats and sugars, which are high in calories. They also don’t know when they are full because they watch the television. There is no doubt that this activity contributes to weight disorders and changing behavior at home.


Children spend an average of two hours a day in front of the TV. At these times, they spend time eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack. They also often eat chips, cookies, candies, soft drinks and junk food. This certainly leads to obesity and other diseases, such as high cholesterol or even diabetes.

According to Leann Birch, the author of one of the Pennsylvania State University studies , the problem is not because of watching TV, but because children (and everyone else) eat without paying attention to the amount, taste, etc.

Instead of eating junk food, it is better to consume apples, carrots, celery, popcorn without butter, natural juices,  etc. And instead of sitting in front of the TV, it is much better to exercise or exercise every day, preferably outside.


Side Effects of Eating While Watching Television for Adults

You’ve probably enjoyed your favorite show while eating a snack or dinner. This is not good at all. According to doctors, these are activities that do not go well together.

Adults suffer from the same problems that we mentioned earlier for children. Watching TV blocks the feeling of satiety because your brain is focused on other things, such as what you’re watching.

When you watch TV you are relaxed, you separate yourself a bit from your routine and problems (when you are not watching the news). You immerse yourself, as it were, in a fictional world.

That’s why you eat more without realizing it. In addition, watching TV also involves eating snacks and most of these snacks are high in fat.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you tend to gobble, which in addition to obesity can cause stomachaches and eating ‘like a pig’.

This all gets worse when you see food commercials. They encourage you to eat more. People who watch a lot of TV often have bad diets, but also a sedentary lifestyle.

Change the habit of eating something while sitting in front of the TV. Whenever possible, try to reduce the time you spend in front of the TV. Eat in the kitchen or make sure the TV isn’t your company at dinner. There is nothing better than talking about the day with your family, spending time with your kids, etc.

The danger of eating behind the computer

Like what happens to the television, your computer is an intimate enemy to your health, as are sedentary lifestyles and vision problems. But spasms, bad posture and a bad diet are also included.

Studies also show that eating in front of the computer causes serious infections, allergies and illness, and you are also more likely to develop obesity and other related disorders (such as high  cholesterol ).

It’s common for people not to get out of their desks for lunch because they want to finish work early or leave their office because it’s cold out there.

You place your plate of food (which is often fast food) next to the keyboard and while you’re answering emails or writing a report, you take the occasional bite. As a result , your workplace has 400 times more bacteria than a bathroom.

But that’s not all, because your computer’s electromagnetic field destroys the molecular structure of food and water, making them unhealthy.

This means that they lose their properties and nutrients. This causes various diseases and disorders, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s (in the short and long term).

spicy food

No difference between television and computer: a screen is the culprit

Besides all this, eating in front of the computers causes the same effects as eating in front of the television. Obesity is the most important of these. In addition, you eat more, because you do not pay attention to your food.

And finally, the dirty workplace is the third most important, as it causes colds, illnesses, allergies, etc. To avoid all this, it is best to take a lunch break.

If you have a lot of work, take a half hour break, but don’t eat in front of your screen. Your body will thank you for this.

However, when making drastic habit changes, always use common sense. The advice of a doctor is also indispensable.

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