The Fear Of Starting A Romantic Relationship Again

Have you ever been afraid of starting a relationship again? Have you overcome this fear? Fears exist to overcome them. Once you beat them, you’ll see how much you’ve grown.
The fear of starting a romantic relationship again

After a painful experience, it can be scary to start a romantic relationship again. It is a fear that can cause us to shield ourselves from meeting other people.

Any form of extreme behavior has negative consequences. It’s normal to fear that we might get hurt again, but if we don’t get back into a relationship, we could end up hurting even more.

Limiting our experiences will never lead to anything positive. Instead, we should learn from them. Avoiding life experiences only keeps us from growing.

Avoiding fear is not a good strategy

Man thinks about broken relationship

What happens if we are afraid to speak in public? We avoid it… but then we would live with the fear without even trying to overcome it.

The same thing happens with the fear of starting a romantic relationship again. When the fear is too strong, fear and other memories that remind us of what might happen drive us away from the experience, rather than conquer it.

The fear will always be there somehow and we will feel limited:

  • to meet someone.
  • in trying to start a relationship with the person we like.
  • in continuing to learn from all the relationships we might have.

When we are afraid of starting a relationship again, thinking about another fear we have overcome can be a good strategy for overcoming it.

Whether it’s a fear like:

  • speaking in public
  • traveling alone
  • living abroad
  • quit a job you didn’t like

There will always be a fear that you have successfully overcome.

If you can’t even remember what the fear was, it’s just to show you how good it is to be free from a fear that has trapped us so much.

Do you remember that feeling of being free? The relief to know that fear can’t hold you back anymore?

Rediscover that feeling.

The fear of starting a romantic relationship again: philophobia

Woman with fear of relationship

The fear of starting a relationship again can be the result of what we know today as philophobia, the fear of falling in love or entering into a romantic relationship.

What are the characteristics of the people who suffer from philophobia?

  • Looking for flaws in the other person to prove that he or she is not the right person for a relationship.
  • Starting arguing over trivial matters, trying to exhaust the other person and make them not want to start a relationship.
  • Avoiding the other person’s phone calls to keep the relationship from deepening.

Of course, all of these behaviors prevent a person with this fear from getting back into a relationship.

This behavior is a kind of defense mechanism to protect oneself. People who are afraid of relationships believe that it makes them vulnerable if they start a relationship again.

However, is it possible to overcome this fear? We can only know that when we are aware of the fear and seek professional help. Sometimes painful past experiences are difficult to overcome on your own.

Freeing ourselves from the weight of our fears

Woman feels relieved

Freeing ourselves from the fear of getting back into a relationship is a breath of fresh air. When we let go of the fear, we can meet people without assuming they want to start something serious.

In addition, we can be open to the people around us and a relationship that we want to flourish. That is certainly a sign that everything is going well.

So having a bad experience doesn’t mean it will happen again. If you’ve learned from that experience, it probably won’t happen again.

Have you ever been afraid to start a relationship again? Have you overcome this fear? Fears exist to overcome them. Once you’ve overcome them, you’ll see how much you’ve grown.

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