The Reason We Get Colds

Several factors can influence the development of a cold. In general, however, a cold is a viral infection. Who is affected by it and what are the symptoms of a cold? In this article we tell you all about it!
The reason we catch a cold

A cold is one of the most common illnesses. In fact, it is one of the most common reasons for consultation with GPs. It is also one of the reasons for absence from work and school. However, do you know why people get colds?

In every place and culture, there are different beliefs about why people get colds. So much so that in much of the world it is mistakenly believed that a cold is associated almost entirely with winter.

Interestingly enough, Egyptian texts from 1500 BC already described a cold. Thanks to advances in medical science, we can now say what the real causes of a cold are and concretely define what happens in the body during a cold.

We will therefore explain in this article why people get colds and everything you need to know about this condition. In this way, we will debunk some popular myths about this condition, which affects virtually the entire population at some point in their lives.

Why people get colds

Woman is sick on the couch

A cold is not caused by winter. Although they are more common during this season, the real cause is a viral infection.

A cold is actually a viral infection. It is one of the most common diseases and usually occurs due to rhinovirus. A cold is a self-limiting condition and usually lasts no more than 10 days. Read a Spanish scientific article about colds here.

Importantly, while the name may lead to confusion, people don’t catch a cold by putting up with the cold. While it is true that the winter season is related to more cases of colds, this is not the cause. You have to understand that it is a viral infection.

A cold affects people of all ages. They are highly contagious viruses that spread easily. The most common symptoms of this viral infection are sneezing and a stuffy nose. Other common symptoms include:

  • watery eyes and a runny nose.
  • headache
  • a sore throat.
  • tiredness and general ill feeling.
  • mucus formation.

When you catch a cold, the virus can spread from your body in many ways. When you sneeze, cough, or talk, the virus can spread through the air and reach someone else. The same thing happens when you share objects or touch someone who has a cold.

This is another reason why colds are always associated with the cold season. When it is cold, people tend to be indoors, in warm places where there are many people. This makes contamination easier.

What are the risk factors for the common cold?

Coughing girl

The fact that it’s a viral infection doesn’t rule out that certain factors may make it easier for people to catch a cold.

First, you need to understand that while people get colds more often in the winter, it can happen at any time of the year. This also applies to age, anyone can catch a cold.

However, the incidence in children under the age of six is ​​much higher. This is because hygiene measures are not very effective at this age and especially through contact between children at school or while playing which makes the spread of the virus easy.

Another risk factor that makes people more likely to catch colds is a weak immune system. If you have recently had an illness or if you have a chronic illness, this has a significant effect.

The immune system is exposed to numerous changes and challenges on a daily basis that can weaken it. For example, by not getting enough sleep or having a vitamin C deficiency.

Tobacco smoke has been proven to predispose people to colds as well. Both active and passive smokers are more likely to catch a cold. The reason for this is that tobacco smoke damages the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and facilitates the entry of the virus into the body.


People get a cold from a viral infection. It is important to understand that while the cold and the season are risk factors, they are not the real causes of a cold.

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