The Signs Of A Terribly Spoiled Child

Horribly spoiled children are not only a challenge for adults, but they also grow up without having acquired basic personal skills. Read on to find out how to avoid this.
The Signs of a Horribly Spoiled Child

You have probably come across a terribly spoiled child who was kicking and screaming in the middle of a supermarket, hitting other children or disrespecting their parents. In general, spoiled children are easy to detect from the outside, as their behavior is conspicuous and disruptive.

However, it is not so easy to accept when your own child commits these misbehaviours. Spoiled children are not only a challenge for parents and teachers. In fact, they are the ones most harmed by these kinds of attitudes.

This is because they end up being rejected by others and constantly conflicted. They also reach adulthood without having acquired many essential interpersonal resources. For this reason, it is important to detect and correct this type of behavior.

Things that can make your child terribly spoiled

Spoiled children are not born that way. Their behavior is the result of an inadequate parenting style applied at home. Read on to find out some of the mistakes you’ve made when your child misbehaves.

Insufficient limits

Toddler is mad at his mother

Setting clear boundaries during tantrums can be the difference between disruptive behavior and a moderately upset child. Children need boundaries to become emotionally and psychologically healthy.

For example, simple requests like ‘don’t eat sweets for dinner’ or ‘clean up your toys after use’ help guide them and make them feel safe.

Keep in mind that these boundaries should be clear, cohesive and consistent. So don’t give in to prevent your child from crying or to avoid a conflict. This undermines your authority and sends confusing signals.


Understandably, some parents want to make their children’s lives easier. However, this often means they have to remember their chances (Spanish link) to learn to tolerate and deal with frustration.

Children should take responsibilities according to their age and face the consequences of their actions. So it’s fine to help your child, but don’t do everything for him or her. That will lead them to believe that they only have rights and no responsibilities.


On the other hand, the opposite is also not appropriate. This is because you can’t have a relationship with your children just by issuing commands and commands, by yelling and threatening.

Children need to feel loved, respected, heard and taken into account. Otherwise, the bond deteriorates and rebellion and behavior problems increase (Spanish link).

Bad examples

Have you ever thought about how to address your child? Do you tend to raise your voice and have a power struggle and say ‘no’ to everything?

Well, it’s not surprising that they repeat and imitate your behavior and that of other adults around them. Remember: you are their most important role model.

Signs that a child is terribly spoiled

As we mentioned above, admitting that your child is terribly spoiled isn’t easy. So look for the following signs if you’re wondering if your child is spoiled.

1. Regular tantrums

Tantrums often occur between the ages of two and four. However, the occurrence of tantrums after that age may indicate that the child is spoiled.

This is because tantrums in old age are no longer due to the lack of means to express emotions, but they are used to manipulate adults and get what they want.

2. Excessive quirks

Spoiled children do not appreciate what they have and are never satisfied. Does your child get tired of the toys right away and then want new ones? They asked for their favorite food and now want to eat something else? It’s important to figure out what’s going on when a child wants everything, wants it now, and doesn’t accept “no” for an answer.

3. Lack of politeness is the main sign of a terribly spoiled child

Everyone must address each other with respect and consideration to thrive in any society. This includes asking permission and saying “please” or “thank you”, but also not being rude to others.

A child who addresses others with disrespect or contempt, and who makes hurtful comments, slaps, or raises his voice, is certainly a terribly spoiled child.

4. Disobedience

It’s normal for children to not always do what you say at the first request and it’s also normal for them to resist doing something they don’t want to do. However, spoiled children intentionally ignore the orders and requests of their parents and ignore their responsibilities.

How do you correct and deal with a terribly spoiled child?

Girl yells at her parents

Fortunately, it is possible to correct a problematic posture in children. To do this, you need to analyze the things you don’t do well and then make some adjustments to your parenting style:

  • Set clear rules and try to stick to them and don’t give in to fatigue or pressure.
  • Let your child take responsibility and do nothing for him or her that he or she can do on their own.
  • Swap commands and threats for respect and dialogue, and also explain the reasons behind your requests or your denials for their wishes (“because I said so” won’t work).
  • Start being a positive role model and address your child the way you want them to speak to others. Also, don’t try to sink to their level when they yell, cry, or challenge you.
  • Reinforce appropriate behavior, start to appreciate their good attitude, and spend more time with them doing rewarding activities together.

Family changes take time

Parenting is a complex and demanding task, so all parents make mistakes. Don’t blame yourself and don’t punish yourself. Instead, congratulate yourself when you recognize these types of situations and handle them appropriately.

Changing family dynamics is not easy and your child will likely resist. However, you will ensure better psychological development and thus a happier life for them if you do. Do not lose sight of this valuable goal.

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