Three Easy Home Remedies For Scabies

Scabies is a parasite that only looks for a warm environment. It has nothing to do with hygiene or things like age. Learn more about home remedies for scabies in this article to get rid of this nasty parasite!
Three easy home remedies for scabies

Scabies is a disease caused by the Sarcoptes scabies parasite. This mite lives in the skin and it is very difficult to identify the first symptoms.

Sarcoptes scabiei penetrates the skin and causes an allergic reaction. If not treated in time, this reaction leads to a secondary infection. However, if treated quickly and effectively, scabies can only be a temporary problem.

In general , you can get scabies through contact with another infected person.

Especially during warm seasons, the female mite seeks out the skin and lays her eggs. These secrete toxins. The eggs can remain there for a month before the victim notices the first symptoms.


One of the most obvious symptoms is an intense itching that you can’t control, especially at night.

First, small red spots appear. If it gets worse, you may start to see scabs or flakes.

  • The mites look for folds and cracks in the body: between your fingers, wrists, elbows, buttocks, nipples and other intimate parts.
  • However, you have to be careful because they can also hide in accessories such as watches, bracelets, belts and rings.

It’s very important to keep in mind that these symptoms appear and disappear, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the infection anymore.

Why is it important to treat scabies?

Why is it important to treat scabies?

If the bacterial infection is not treated in time, it is very possible that the rest of your family will contract it as well.

Usually, a scabies wound occurs when the skin is severely affected and can even cause a blood infection such as sepsis.

This disease must be treated immediately as it can lead to death.

The rash appears on your hands and feet as your body is filled with thousands of mites laying their eggs at the same time. As a result, topical treatments do nothing to help in these cases.

In these cases, you will experience symptoms such as:

  • Tachycardia
  • Low bloodpressure
  • Fever and Chills
  • Head and body pain
  • Problems with breathing
  • Fear

It is necessary for a medical professional to prescribe an antibiotic to fight the bacteria.

Home remedies for scabies

The following solutions are only intended for early stage scabies and to prevent the problem from getting worse. If you experience other symptoms such as pain and fever, you should seek medical attention.

1. Aloe Vera

Home remedies for scabies aloevera

Thanks to its medicinal properties, aloe vera is excellent for treating itchy skin because it contains antibacterial substances.

In addition, it has the ability to regenerate the affected area, reduce inflammation and heal.


  • aloe vera gel

What should you do?

  • Wash the affected area well.
  • Then apply a generous layer of aloe vera and wait 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat this process twice a day.

2. Essential Tea Tree Oil

Essential tea tree oil contains antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds that can kill parasites and their eggs.

If you are pregnant or nursing, do not use this method as the oil can irritate your skin.


  • 15 ml tea tree oil
  • 15 ml olive oil


  • cotton wool

What should you do?

  • First wash the inflamed area thoroughly.
  • Then mix the oils together.
  • Use a cotton ball to apply it to the affected area.
  • Repeat this twice a day for three weeks.

3. White vinegar

Home remedies for scabies white vinegar

White vinegar also contains antibacterial agents and changes the pH level of the skin so that it helps to get rid of the mites.

It is ideal for itching, burning and other inflammations in the skin.


  • 125 ml white vinegar
  • 125ml water


  • cotton wool

What should you do?

  • First, combine the water and vinegar in a bowl.
  • Apply it to the affected area using the cotton wool.
  • Wait 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat this application three times a day for 15 days.


  • If you have itching, a burning sensation and if the skin is inflamed, avoid contact with other people.
  • Do not share your clothes or other objects that you use every day with others.
  • Wash your bedding and sheets well to kill mites.
  • If you can’t sleep from the itching and burning, or if you have wounds on your body, seek immediate medical attention.

Don’t play with your health!

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