Tips To Avoid Daytime Sleepiness

Some people make the mistake of drinking coffee to stay awake during the day and avoid sleepiness, creating a dependency. You should absolutely avoid this.
Tips to avoid drowsiness during the day

If you’re at work and can’t keep your eyes open for more than 5 minutes and can’t stop yawning, you may need to change some of your daily habits. This article gives some tips to avoid daytime sleepiness… and they don’t include gallons of coffee!

Is it possible to prevent drowsiness during the day?

Your eyelids slowly close without you noticing and your coordination and concentration begin to deteriorate. It is best to take a nap in these cases, but that is not always possible.

To avoid such situations, you need to change some of your daily habits or adopt new ones. So pay close attention if you want to know how to prevent sleepiness during the day.

Tips to avoid drowsiness during the day

1. Water, water and more water

Drink a lot of water

If you feel like you’re falling asleep in the middle of a meeting, it’s best to drink a full glass of water. Maybe your body goes into ‘sleep mode’ because it needs fluids.

In addition, if you come home after work and have more things to do, we recommend that you take a cold shower (as cold as possible) to activate your circulation and wake you up.

Warm water will make you more relaxed. If you can’t shower at that time, wash your face with cold water.

2. Sleep well at night

Sleep well

Although obvious, this is essential to avoid drowsiness during the day. When you rest at night, you wake up relaxed and refreshed.

It is said that adults need about 8 hours of sleep. However, this depends on the person. In addition, always try to go to bed and wake up at the same time so that your body adjusts to this.

Also, keep in mind that catching up on sleep over the weekend or vacation is completely useless. Fatigue is cumulative, but rest is not. In fact, this can actually be counterproductive and make you feel even more sleepy.

3. Open the window

Open the window

The brain is responsible for switching all organ functions on or off, including your fatigue. A good way to avoid this is to adjust the spaces you spend time in so that there is more natural light.

It’s actually very simple. When the mind perceives light, it realizes that it must carry out its activities. But when it’s not really bright, you think it’s time to relax, rest and sleep.

  • If you don’t have a window in your workspace, try turning on a white light to trick the brain.

4. Eat an apple

Eating an apple

One of the most common mistakes if you don’t want to feel sleepy during the day is gulping down gallons of coffee. The problem with this is that you can become very dependent on coffee and need more and more coffee every day.

You can choose other foods to wake up to, such as an apple. Since this fruit contains a lot of water, it prevents dehydration. At the same time, biting and chewing wakes up the brain.

  • In addition, it is an excellent idea not to eat pastries and sweets in the morning.

5. Lose Weight

Lose weight to feel less sleepy during the day

If you are overweight, it is quite common to feel tired as the extra pounds put pressure on your heart and lungs. This does not mean that thin people are more energetic, but that obese people tire faster.

  • Do your body a favor and try to lose some weight.

5. Engage in a Challenging Conversation

Engaging conversation

We don’t advocate violence or anything like that, but having a heated discussion with someone can wake you up again. In any case, try to have a heated conversation with a colleague about a common topic. For example, you can talk about football, politics or the economy.

The brain has to stay active to respond to the other person and that ‘euphoria’ won’t evaporate quickly. Do not cause unnecessary hassles in the office, but v simply acknowledge an opinion with someone you do not agree, so you do not feel sleepy.

7. Listen to music

Listen to music

Certain melodies have the ability to automatically wake you up and move your feet under your desk. It also helps you avoid drowsiness during the day!

Music activates the brain in such a way that helps improve:

  • the concentration
  • the mood
  • the memory

If you can’t turn the radio up loud, you can always pick a YouTube video on your phone and enjoy it with headphones (and without anyone noticing).

8. Get moving

Get moving

Sitting in the same position for hours on end makes you feel sleepy and lethargic. The great thing is that you can avoid this. It’s as simple as just every now and then:

  • get up from your office chair
  • take a little walk around the office

Instead of sending an email to your colleague on another floor, you can give him or her the message in person.

You might also consider going to a nearby park for lunch or just taking a walk around the block. You can also choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator if you need to go somewhere.

This will help you activate your blood circulation and wake you up. You will no longer feel lethargic!

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