Try The Plank For Strong Abs

We won’t last long when we try a plank for the first time, but it’s important not to get discouraged. If we persevere and keep practicing, we will reap the many benefits.
Try the plank for strong abs

Do you already know the plank? It is a new exercise that contributes to routines for a perfect belly.

The fitness world is doing well, and a new culture for physical care is emerging. Healthy food has become important for a large part of the world’s population.

In this article we will introduce you to the ideal exercise for a flat stomach:  the plank. This is a new exercise that can be seen in all gyms. You can also easily do the exercise at home, without having to purchase any accessories. Are you ready to try it?

What is the shelf?

The plank for a flat stomach

The plank is an exercise that uses strength without movement. The goal is to contract your muscles using resistance. This is how  your muscle strength increases.

In this isometric exercise you will use  the muscles of your:

  • torso
  • belly
  • back
  • arms
  • Hips
  • legs

This is an essential exercise in workout routines in gyms worldwide because it is so complete and easy to do.

However, we want to emphasize that you can also do this exercise in the comfort of your own home!

How do you do it?

For the optimal outcome for the muscles used  , it is important that your posture is correct. If not, you won’t get the results you hope for!

People who have problems with their lower back should be extra careful. They should tighten their abs as tight as possible during the exercise. It is also wise to build up the exercise slowly. For example, you start with one-minute rounds and build up slowly until you can hold the plank for five minutes.

Steps and tips when doing the plank

A perfect shelf

  • First lie on your stomach.
  • Then bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle, right under your shoulders.
  • Now lift your body off the ground. Divide your weight between your upper arms and your toes.
  • Your body should form  a straight line from your toes to your crown.
  • Your abs should remain contracted during the exercise, but don’t hold your breath!
  • Hold this position for as long as you can, or use a stopwatch with a predetermined time.
  • We recommend repeating this  three or four times.

Benefits for your body

Practicing the plank daily will undoubtedly ensure a fitter and stronger body. This is due to the following advantages.

It strengthens your abs

The plank is a specific exercise to develop your abs. It mainly trains the sides and bottom of your abdomen, which ensures a flatter stomach.

It is not surprising that boxers often use this exercise: the direct impact on the abs is clearly noticeable!

It develops your back muscles

The plank strengthens all the muscles in your back, shoulders and neck.

By training the paravertebral muscles, the discs in your spine have to bear less weight.

It improves your posture

A better posture

The plank  can improve your posture significantly, because its daily use straightens our backs. The exercise can also help prevent lumbago. In addition, it stabilizes the vertebra in the lower back, thus preventing pain.

However, remember that it is fundamental to perform this exercise  correctly, and to follow all instructions carefully. This way you prevent yourself from causing more pain.

It strengthens your buttocks and legs

The glutes are also strengthened by this exercise. The plank provides stronger and larger glutes and thigh muscles.

Strong legs are also essential for good posture.

It makes for strong arms

Holding your body weight up  strengthens your arm muscles. This exercise is therefore an excellent way to prevent weak muscles and flabby arms.

In addition, you can perform this exercise without using weights and without building muscle mass.

You can’t deny that the plank can contribute a lot to your physical condition! Try it today!

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