Visibly Reduce Scars Naturally

A scar is a fairly unsightly skin condition. Although scars are not a health hazard, they are an aesthetic problem for many people.
Visibly reduce scars in a natural way

A scar is a rather unsightly skin defect that usually arises because the healing of a wound is disrupted. There are agents that can ensure that scars are visibly reduced.

Scars can be the result of, for example:

  • A medical procedure
  • Traumatic injury
  • Combustion
  • Chicken-pox
  • Acne
  • irradiation
  • Even minor scrapes

As time goes by, the skin produces an excess of collagen in an attempt to heal the wound, creating scar tissue.

Although scars are not a health hazard, they are an aesthetic problem for many people. Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies that restore the health and texture of the skin, which can visibly reduce scarring.

To ensure that you do not have to resort to potentially dangerous and expensive medicines, we share the best means to visibly reduce the scars in this article.

Means to visibly reduce scars

apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an affordable product that is very good for the skin. If you use apple cider vinegar consistently, it can really help you to visibly reduce scars.

How do you use apple cider vinegar?

  • Use a small amount of apple cider vinegar to massage the area of ​​the scar. Then massage until the skin has completely absorbed the vinegar.
  • After that, let the skin dry for a few minutes and then repeat the treatment for best results.
  • Repeat this two to three times a day for four to five weeks.

To prevent a possible allergic reaction, you can dissolve the apple cider vinegar in an equal amount of water.

baking soda

You are probably already familiar with the many ways you can use baking soda, for both medical and cosmetic purposes. This product has a good exfoliating and exfoliating effect, which can help reduce the appearance of scars.

How do you use baking soda?

  • First, mix one part baking soda with three parts hydrogen peroxide so that the two products form a paste.
  • Then apply this paste directly to the scar to reduce inflammation and promote healing.
  • Repeat this treatment three to four times a day.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice

Due to the high vitamin C content, lemon juice is an excellent means to treat scars. When you use lemon juice frequently, you will see a significant improvement in the color, texture, visibility and flexibility of the scar.

How do you use lemon juice?

  • Apply before going to bed a little lemon juice directly to the affected area.
  • Let the juice do its work for about half an hour and then rinse it off with warm water.
  • Repeat this treatment every night.

Sandalwood and rose water

rose water

Sandalwood has regenerative properties that can help reduce the appearance of scars and restore the skin’s youthful appearance.

The properties of the rose water improve the firmness and texture of the skin. By combining these two ingredients you get an excellent remedy for treating scars.

How do you use sandalwood and rose water to treat scars?

  • First, make a paste of sandalwood powder and rose water.
  • Before going to bed, clean the area of ​​the scar and then apply the paste to the area.
  • Then let the paste sit overnight and rinse it off with warm water the next morning.
  • Then repeat this treatment every day for two months.


You can use garlic medicinally to improve skin health and reduce scarring.  Unsightly scars are caused by the formation of an excess of fibroblasts and garlic counteracts this formation.

How do you use garlic?

  • Crush a garlic clove and then apply the garlic directly to the affected skin.
  • Let the garlic sit for ten minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Then repeat this treatment every day. 

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