Von Economo Neurons: Cells For Socialization

Von Economo neurons are a fascinating field, and we’re just beginning to understand it. These neurons are only present in the most social species. Apparently, certain cognitive and emotional functions depend on this.
Von Economo neurons: cells for socialization

Science pays a lot of attention to von Economo neurons. Although they discovered them in 1925, it wasn’t until this century that they began to study this subject in depth. In fact, they still know little about these neurons, even though they are certainly important in the human brain.

We know that the von Economo neurons are scarce. The human brain has about 100 billion neurons and only between 200,000 and 400,000 of this kind. We also know that they are three times larger than normal neurons and that they are also faster.

The most recent studies indicate that the von Economo neurons are a kind of ‘brain conductor’. This means that they do not act on a specific organ or function and only determine the functioning of the brain. For example, they don’t produce thoughts, but they do make them possible.

What are von Economo Neurons?

What are von Economo neurons

They are specific neurons and are usually located in well-defined areas of the brain: the insula and the anterior cingulate cortex. They are also known as spindle neurons and are only present in:

  • people
  • humpback whales
  • orcas
  • tumblers
  • gray dolphins
  • Asian and African Elephants
  • sperm whales
  • belugas
  • fin whales

Constantin von Economo first described these neurons. So that’s where the name comes from. He first mentioned them in his work Atlas of Cytoarchitectonis of the Adult Human Cerebral Cortex. He also described lethargica encephalitis.

The scientist pointed out that these neurons differ from the others: they are elongated, spindle-shaped, that is, cylindrical and narrower at the ends. He also indicated their location. It wasn’t until the year 2000 that someone picked up where he left off.

Characteristics of von Economo neurons

Researchers were able to study these neurons in detail thanks to computer mapping of the brain. Von Economo may have discovered them, but they have been present in hominins for about 15 million years. There are more of this neuron in the brains of humans and apes.

They appear during the gestation period around the 35th week and multiply until the 4th year. They multiply faster during the first eight months of human life.

There is a similar number of these cells in both hemispheres at birth. After that, they seem to focus on the right hemisphere. This type of neurons has receptors for dopamine, vasopressin and serotonin, substances closely related to human behavior.


What is the function of von Economo neurons

So far, it has been possible to establish that von Economo neurons are involved in:

  • self or identity formation
  • social connection
  • concentration
  • monitoring other parts of the brain

They also perform other complex and fundamental functions. This consists of comparing signals coming from the brain itself with the signals perceived by the senses. That is, they give us what we know as a ‘sense of reality’.

These neurons communicate quickly with large areas of the brain due to their size. Scientists believe that deficiencies in the functioning of these neurons are linked to problems such as autism and dyslexia. They also believe that these cells can explain the emergence of that entity we call the “spirit.”

Von Economo neurons and the brain

There is some evidence that von Economo neurons influence both healthy social connections and self-awareness processes. A study conducted by neurologist W. Seeley of the University of California found that people with frontal-temporal dementia had damage to these neurons.

Those affected by this disease lose all capacity for empathy and are erratic, insensitive and lose their sense of responsibility, even to themselves. Seeley did several autopsies on people with this disease and, on average, found damage in about 70% of their von Economo neurons.

Other neurophysiologists such as Naomi Eisenberger and Cole Steve pointed out that social connection has a strong influence on health. Thus, those who regularly associate with others have fewer illnesses and tend to live longer.

The presence of these neurons in highly social animals reinforces the idea that these neurons determine sociability and related processes. Interestingly, the use of psychedelics inhibits the activity of the areas where these neurons are present.

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