What To Do If Your Partner Doesn’t Want To Work?

If your partner does not want to work, it can affect the harmony of the whole family. To avoid major conflicts, it is important that you resolve the situation as quickly as possible.
What to do if your partner doesn't want to work?

Frustrations at work or of a personal nature have a negative impact not only on the person concerned, but often also on his or her partner. When your partner doesn’t want to work, it often causes both financial and marital problems.

Such a situation often seems unsolvable, but fortunately that is usually not the case. Even if someone is in an extremely difficult situation,  it is still important to keep focusing on the most positive side of it. Otherwise, the problem will only get worse for you as a couple.

What to do if your partner doesn’t want to work?

stay patient

If your loved one is constantly sitting at home and making no effort to find a job, it can be very frustrating for you. However, try to remain calm and avoid arguments. Your partner probably didn’t choose this situation himself and all of this may have a big impact on his self-confidence.

First, give your partner some time to regain his energy. It’s perfectly normal if your partner is tense or in a bad mood. However, stay alert to his reactions.

You may even feel that your loved one is a burden to your family because he does not contribute financially to the household. Try not to put these feelings on him, however, as that will only increase the stress.

Determine the true cause

Cause of not wanting to work

It may seem difficult, but the only way to solve these kinds of problems is to talk about them together. It is important that you find out the real reason why your partner does not want to work. Some possible reasons are:

  • In certain cases, the difficulties involved in finding a job (such as age, experience, skills, etc.) can be the cause of depression.
  • Sometimes people don’t know exactly what they want to do  and instead do nothing at all.
  • However, people can also enjoy doing nothing at all for a while  and have no intention of going back to work in the short term.

Most importantly, identify why your loved one doesn’t want to work. Only then can you help him or her to solve the problem.

Redistribute household chores

If your partner doesn’t want to work, then doing nothing is definitely not the solution! Redistribute household chores so that he will contribute more and feel more productive. Make sure you make this decision together.

If your partner starts doing more household chores, it will help to occupy his mind. That makes him appreciate his time more. It is also good for you. After all, you get more time to catch up on some of your own work, or finally do the things that have been left behind.

Most likely your partner will want to go back to work after a while and will start looking for a job again. Sometimes, however, new social contacts are also needed to motivate people.

Encourage your partner

The best way to encourage your loved one is to increase the confidence he has in his own abilities. You do that by giving him compliments and love.

Help him prepare for his job search without forcing him to do so. Show your partner that it may be difficult, but certainly not impossible.

The best advice you can give him is that he should not worry, start with small steps and not set too big goals for himself. Below we give you a few examples of good goals.

For example, start with:

  • a part-time job.
  • a temporary job.
  • a job in another field.

While this may not seem like an ideal start, it is the start of something new. In addition, it will motivate your partner to take next steps.

Talk about the impact it has on your family

The effect of unemployment

It is important that you talk together about how this situation affects the whole family. Some tips for starting such a conversation:

  • Express your expectations: how long do you expect your partner to be unemployed?
  • In addition, it is also important that you talk about limiting family expenses. This will prevent you from eventually getting into debt or other financial problems.
  • Finally, in these kinds of conversations , make sure you stay positive, be diplomatic and that you indicate that the solutions are temporary and reversible.

What if my partner still doesn’t want to work?

Sometimes there are people who simply have no interest in work. They feel better and happier without work, even if it means that they are financially dependent on someone else. They follow their own life path without too much care, a bit like a child does.

If that is the case with your partner, it is better to get  expert help. However, after a while, is there no noticeable change, or is your partner still not taking any action to look for a job? Then it’s probably best to end the relationship.

After all, a relationship can only be successful when  both partners work together as a team, behave maturely and grow together and move forward in life. A life companion who has no desire to grow will ultimately only negatively affect your life and success.

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