You Can Prevent Hemorrhoids With Healthy Habits

Hemorrhoids are a condition that can be prevented with a suitable diet, good habits and a healthy lifestyle.
You can prevent hemorrhoids with healthy habits

You can prevent hemorrhoids. Do you know how to do that?

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins in the internal part of the anus swell. This causes greater discomfort when we have stools.

The truth is that the causes of hemorrhoids are linked to the habits and lifestyle of the people who suffer from it. Many people suffer from it regularly.

But you can prevent hemorrhoids. The best way is to address the causes directly. Because it is those causes that lead to these anal injuries. By tackling them, you therefore reduce the risk of hemorrhoids occurring.

What causes hemorrhoids to develop?

In general, hemorrhoids can be caused by many things. Here are some examples:

  • A diet low in fiber
  • Constipation,
  • Exercise before defecation,
  • Pregnancy.

You can prevent hemorrhoids in the following ways

1. Drink 2 liters of water a day

You can prevent hemorrhoids by drinking enough water

You should combine good eating habits with drinking enough water every day. We recommend that you drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day. Because that is the best amount to stimulate the intestinal tract. Relief will then not require great effort. So there will be no problems.

Drinking plenty of water also improves constipation. In addition, the daily intake of at least 1.5 liters of water will soften the composition of the stool. This then ensures that all causes of hemorrhoids disappear.

2. Follow a diet high in fiber

A balanced diet that is high in fiber reduces the effort required to go to the toilet.

That way there will be no risk to which the veins of the anus will be exposed. In addition, the inflammation will not progress to more intense pain and bleeding.

Because this inflammation can cause an injury that can sometimes obstruct the stool. This will have further consequences.

So make sure your diet contains a good amount of fiber. For example, you get them from the following foods:

  • legumes
  • Fruit
  • Cereals
  • Vegetables
  • Whole-wheat products

3. Get moving

Regular physical exercise doesn’t just help you lose weight or increase your physical stamina. It also improves intestinal transit.

When you have and maintain a good intestinal transit, the stool will be more manageable and softer throughout the entire process. In this way it ensures a stool without effort. As a result, the risk of developing hemorrhoids decreases.

We recommend that you train at least three times a week. You can perform activities that promote the mobility of the intestinal tract. Examples include walking, running or swimming.

4. Avoid Certain Foods

If you are at risk for hemorrhoids, you should avoid certain foods that are not recommended for this condition. Because you can prevent hemorrhoids by paying attention to this.

Here are some foods to avoid in this case:

  • spicy food
  • Mustard
  • Spices
  • Garlic
  • Vinegar
  • Coffee
  • Salty foods

Because each of these foods causes the stool to flow with more pressure. And this then leads to injuries.

Salty foods can also cause a greater blockage of the arteries. This will make the inflammation of the hemorrhoids worse. We therefore recommend that you eat these products in moderation.

5. Go to the toilet when you have to go

It’s a bad decision to wait to go to the toilet if you have an urge. This is especially true if you have had previous episodes of hemorrhoids.

So it’s best to go to the toilet when you need to. But there is an alternative. You can make it a routine to defecate at certain times. That way you don’t have to wait long hours until you get the chance.

If you have the urge and have to wait a long time, this can have consequences. For example, there may be a higher pressure in the anal area. This then causes inflammation of the veins. As a result of this inflammation, hemorrhoids develop.

The recommendation is to have fixed times to defecate. This act then becomes a physiological habit.

Most importantly, however, do not suppress the urge to defecate under any circumstances. And don’t let the fact that you’re not at home become an excuse for not defecating, please.

Remember that the anal area is also a part of your body. If you want maximum comfort, you should also take care of this zone.

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